Yo! Glad you made it here to my review of Bobby Rio’s “Unlock The Scrambler” program (Formerly called “Unlock Her Legs”…)
In this review I will be answering questions like “What is the Scrambler Technique?”, “Does this really work on so-called ‘hard to get’ girls?”, “Who Is Bobby Rio?” and much more…
Before we begin – there’s something I have go to say…
Table of Contents
The First Thing To Know About “Attracting Women Guides”…
If you were not already aware, most of the information you’ll find online about how to attract women, and so forth is total B.S.
Furthermore, most dating advice guides, and training programs about how to pick up women and be an alpha male are also garbage. Its usually just rehashed information, and stupid concepts like “just be confident…” written by some guy who probably isn’t even any good with women in real life!
I know this because at this point I am good with women, and I have read a lot of these programs so I am very good at evaluating them…
That being said, I want you to know that Bobby’s Scrambler Technique is something different and worth taking a look at.
Basic Overview Of The Unlock The Scrambler System
The Scrambler Technique is a step-by-step method designed to essentially “scramble” a woman’s mind, and in doing so change the way that she perceives you.
This is ideal if you have a girl that you already really want to get with, but she doesn’t seem that interested ie. she is playing “hard to get” (like for example maybe you already tried and got shot down, or you even went out with her before but things didn’t work out…)
That said you can also use the scrambler on a girl you just met, or a woman such as co-worker that you have a strictly platonic relationship with.
Really it was designed to help you get any girl that you want as fast and effeciently as possible!
The system is based on what one might refer to as “psychological principles”, but rather than citing research studies the program shares stories and examples of how these principles work in real life. And rather than just handing you a set of principles, you get step-by-step instructions on how to apply this technique, which takes out all of the guess work.
The program was created by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge. These guys are a couple of dating coaches from the NYC area, who are very unlike the majority of so-called “dating experts” out there. For example, in the video on the Scrambler website you can see Rob’s girlfriend is quite attractive. Bobby and Rob have been around for many year now and have been a huge help to me personally in terms of developing myself into a real ladies man.
How The Scrambler Technique Works
As I mentioned this Scrambler Technique is based on certain elements of female psychology that Bobby observed to be true for just about every woman.
Guys always say “but this girl is different”…
Dude, she’s not.
Or I should say, it’s highly likely that she’s not THAT different. Really, most women’s minds work in similar ways. Women fall in love with guys based on certain psychological mechanisms, and they get turned off via other specific mechanisms that are common to just about every woman.
As Bobby says “Every time a girl falls in love with a guy, develops a “crush” on him, or gets downright obsessed… Her mind goes through a very specific process.”
Bobby calls this a “love loop” because it’s similar to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in that her thoughts keep returning to you, to the point where she is obsessing over you. The truly beautiful part is that the more she tries to fight it this urge to think about you, the more she can’t stop herself, and then she just totally falls for you, like you just “hijacked” her mind.
The Scrambler technique contains a number of – what you might consider “sneaky tricks” that activate these specific mental processes.
The program, which contains over 10 hours of HD video training is broken down into the following sections:
- Introduction
- The Attitude
- The Rules of the Scrambler
- Phase 1: Reconnaissance
- Phase 2: Rebalance
- Phase 3: Validation
- Phase 4: Dissonance
- Phase 5: Intimacy
As you can see, it is quite comprehensive, and I’ve go over more details on what exactly is included in a second. First I wanted to touch on one of the most important things this program fixes…
Why Eliminating Nice Guy Behavior Is Key
What I’ve found personally is that one of the biggest parts of being successful with women is to simply stop exhibiting what Bobby and Rob refer to as “nice guy” behaviors.
In layman’s terms – most guys act like complete wuss-bags when they are around a hot chick.
This is an extremely common thing nowadays, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Bobby says it’s engrained into us these days by movies, TV, and all that other mass media non-sense. But it is definitely something that needs to be fixed if you want to get the kind of girls you are really attracted to.
Examples of “nice guy” behaviors are things like sending a woman flowers at work, confessing your feelings too soon, or being too available.
These moves do nothing to make her want you and instead make you look desperate and turn a woman off on a gut level.
These types of moves turn her off because they make you look desperate, destroy and any sense of intrigue or mysteriousness, and completely remove the need for her to “work” to get you…
Essentially they make you look like a low value guy who is easy to get (because you probably don’t have any other options) and that is not what a woman is looking for in a man – in fact its the polar opposite.
Furthermore this kind of behavior triggers what Bobby calls her “CLINGY Alarm”, and will make her worry that if she ends things that you’re going to freak out and get all weird and creepy.
Luckily Bobby is the go-to-guy for helping guys eliminate this “nice guy” crap with most cutting-edge psychological strategies.
(If you are wondering why the words “nice guy” always appear in quotes, its because this sort of behavior really isn’t nice… What’s nice is learning how to interact with women in a healthier way, that they actually enjoy and get turned on by! So you never have to hear the dreaded “lets just be friends” speech ever again.)
Bobby Rio’s Technique For Getting Out Of The Friends Zone
What could be worse than having a girl you’re interested in tell you that she “just wants to be friends”?
That’s the worst. She’s basically telling you that you don’t have what it takes.
Like I said, this program was made to work for any situation that you might find yourself in with a woman. But it is definitely well suited for friend zone situations because the scrambler allows you to essentially “reset” a woman’s opinion of you. This means that even if you’ve already messed things up or made a bad impression on her, you can use Phase 1 of the Scrambler to understand how she perceives you so you can use a pattern interrupt to create a brand new “first impression”.
Top Benefits of The Program:
Truly A Step-By-Step “Autopilot” System – Lets face it, when you are trying to hook up with a woman you are really into, it can be stressful. You start worrying if you should text her back, or if you are texting too much and so on…
The great thing about this program, is that it spells out what to do, set-by-step, very clearly. So there’s no more need to worrying if you’re showing too much interest, whether she’s losing interest or any of that. You can just kick back and watch the magic happen.
Can Give You A Great Feeling Of Power – When you’re struggling to attract women and keep them attracted, it can feel like women have all the power, like you are at their mercy… But, with The Scrambler up your sleeve you may likely feel like you’ve taken that power back! When you understand a woman’s psychological triggers, it really does become like a “game” in a sense, and you can just confidently enjoy the whole process.
Unlock The Scrambler Covers Everything – Like I mentioned this program includes over 10 hours of HD videos training, as well as PDFs, workbooks and bonuses. So it’s fair to say that it covers just about everything you need to know to meet a woman and make her fall head over heels in love with you. In addition to the psychology based moves we discussed the course also teaches you conversational and flirting tips and tricks, word-for-word example of what to say, how to use humor the right way to attract her, a complete breakdown of how to build rapport the right way, how to go for the first kiss and basically everything you need to know to create intense levels of sexual chemistry, and a deep connection.
You’ll learn how to separate yourself from all the other guys who are after her kissing her ass and giving her too much attention. This is a key element to getting things right because it allows her to start thinking about you when you’re not there texting her every five seconds. And speaking of texting – this program is a powerful weapon in that regard. Bobby and Rob create what they call the “Key Lock Sequence” which is a 3 step system to capture her attention, set a flirty tone and get her excited and turned on at the thought of meeting up with you. It really works to pump up her interest level and spark that feeling of urgency.
This is a very current and up to date program that takes into account the need to communicate through social media. So if there is a special girl you want to DM on Instagram and you are wondering how to start a conversation with her and make her want you over text – then this is the program you need!
What You Get With Unlock The Scrambler
Unlock The Scrambler is a home study course based on a private seminar Rob Judge and Bobby Rio presented at Rob’s house in Scottsdale Arizona.
The course includes access to HD video recordings of the entire seminar, breaking the Scrambler Technique down into five easy to follow phases.
You also receive workbooks, strategy guides, and number of bonus trainings including the Scrambler Interview Companion Manual, the “Invisible Escalation” bonus video, the “She’s Sending You Signals” report, and the “12 Conversation Topics That Have Her Fall in Love” report.
I know how it feels when the girl you’re into suddenly loses interest, stops texting and just disappears.
Used to happen to me all the time… She’d tell me she just wasn’t “feeling it”… And then go sleep with some other guy. Or just ghost. It’s not a good feeling…
Luckily The Scrambler exists to help guys take back their power, finally understand women, and get them chasing you.
40,000 guys have already started using the Scrambler Technique, and Bobby offers a fully guarantee, that you will get to be with a woman you are TRULY ATTRACTED TO, or you get your money back.
So if you haven’t been getting the kind of women you want, then you should probably learn this stuff immediately!